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FastJ 1.5.0 Release

Andrew Dey

FastJ 1.5.0 is finally here! With over 300 commits since version 1.4.0, the FastJ game engine has grown in maturity and gained new skills.
This version of FastJ includes a revamped Drawable system with gradients and outlines support for polygons, more logic manager options, better keyboard input support, the addition of an audio engine, and much much more! Read on to find out what's new.

Discord Server#

I'm proud to announce that the FastJ Discord server is now open -- join here!

New Example Programs#

With the popularity and feature list of FastJ growing, 13 new example programs have been added! They cover a range of topics like getting started, engine configuration, keyboard and mouse input, text, polygons, models, and more.

Examples Source Code#

Furthermore, the following examples have been removed:

  • "Hello World!" has been removed, in favor of "Hello, FastJ!"

Code Improvements#

The full list of new things in FastJ is so long, I couldn't possibly put it all here! Instead, I'll give you a run-down of all the new features you'll see in this version of FastJ.

Audio Engine#

Between 1.4.0 and 1.5.0, FastJ sprouted an audio engine! Thanks to the availability of Java's standard audio library, no external dependencies were needed to create this engine.
Its API is straightforward for simpler cases...

Playing Audio

...but can handle more complex needs as well!

Audio Controls and Events
StreamedAudio audio = AudioManager.loadStreamedAudio(Path.of("path/to/audio"));
FloatControl panControl = audio.panControl();panControl.setValue(pancontrol.getMaximum());
audio.getAudioEventListener().setOnPlayAction(() -> FastJEngine.log("Now Playing -- this sound!"));;

The new audio engine supports the following:

  • Loading audio into memory
  • Streaming audio from a file
  • Play/Pause/Resume/Stop options
  • Configurable Audio Events (audio stream open/close, audio play/pause/resume/stop)
  • (memory-loaded audio only) Looping and Playback Position options
  • (streamed audio only) Gain/Pan/Balance/Mute controls

For the best information, check out the audio usage example.

Better Camera Transformations#

With the transformation improvements made for all Drawables (more on that here), the Camera class has also been upgraded to be able to use these transformations:

Camera Transformations
// This example assumes "this" to be a SceneManager, SimpleManager, or other LogicManager// that contains a "getCamera" method.Camera camera = this.getCamera();camera.translate(new Pointf(50f));camera.rotate(90f);camera.scale(2.5f);

Here, the camera has been translated (50, 50), rotated 90 degrees, and zoomed in to 250%.

Display Render Settings Improvements#

The Display class' old render setting class was fine, but not very intuitive or informative for newer users -- combing through the AWT documentation is slightly daunting just from how much content there is.

To combat this, a RenderSettings class has been created. It contains all the different available rendering options, while also compiling the AWT documentation into smaller, more readable sentences.

RenderSettings usage

DrawUtil -- Paint Comparing#

java.awt.Paint classes can now be compared using DrawUtil.paintEquals.

Keyboard Improvements#

FastJ's keyboard input API has improved by leaps and bounds since 1.4.0. Read on!

Better Keys Handling#

In 1.4.0, checking for key equality was fine, but not very intuitive for situations such as determining if the right shift key is pressed:

Checking for Right Shift Key in FastJ 1.4.0
if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keys.Shift)) {    // not what we want -- if no key location is specified, this type of key defaults to the left shift.}
if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keys.Shift, KeyLocation.Left)) {    // this is what we want, but it makes life for beginners and the unsuspecting harder.}

With FastJ 1.4.0, Keys.Shift is just an integer, meaning it can't safely store the key's location on the keyboard. In FastJ 1.5.0, Keys is now an enum and handles this well:

Checking for Right Shift Key in FastJ 1.5.0
if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keys.RightShift)) {    // simpler to understand, and still achieves what we want!}

Furthermore, the new Keys enum allows you to get a Keys instance based on a provided java.awt.KeyEvent or provided key name, key code, and key location. We can use this to our advantage when dealing with raw KeyEvent instances, or building a key from scratch.

Getting Enter key from KeyEvent
// assume a KeyEvent keyEvent is presentKeys keyfromKeyEvent = Keys.get(keyEvent);
Getting Enter key from scratch
Keys keyFromScratch = Keys.get("Enter", KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, KeyEvent.KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD);

FastJ-Defined Keyboard Events#

FastJ's KeyboardActionListener no longer directly passes KeyEvent instances -- FastJ is now equipped with its own KeyboardEvent classes!

These classes (KeyboardStateEvent and KeyboardTypedEvent) provide easy access to the key event and key name, and KeyboardStateEvent provides a getKey method which returns the corresponding Keys instance for the event.

Both KeyboardStateEvent and KeyboardTypedEvent also provide a fromKeyEvent method which allows you to create one from a KeyEvent:

Creating a KeyboardStateEvent/KeyboardTypedEvent from a KeyEvent
// assume KeyEvent keyEvent exists// assume KeyEvent keyTypedEvent exists
KeyboardStateEvent keyboardStateEvent = KeyboardStateEvent.fromKeyEvent(keyEvent);KeyboardTypedEvent keyboardTypedEvent = KeyboardTypedEvent.fromKeyEvent(keyTypedEvent);

LogicManager Revamp#

The LogicManager class has been repurposed into an interface containing the basic needs for all logic managers. Two new managers implement this class:

  • SceneManager -- the old LogicManager class.
  • SimpleManager -- the manager for creating programs without the use of scenes.

Old LogicManager becomes SceneManager#

What was once named LogicManager is now called SceneManager. It functions the same as before -- this was changed to allow the LogicManager name to represent what all game management classes would be based on.

SimpleManager -- the Return of One-File Games#

In the early days of FastJ, long before it became a reasonable game engine, there was only the option to create games using a very simple logic manager -- no scenes, just general control from a single file. Before long, this was replaced with the scene system and soon forgotten... but not for long.

Now, the manager returns with a new name and one thing in mind -- single-"scene" programs. With the SimpleManager class, the starting code needed for a window in FastJ was reduced from this:

Old Hello World
import io.github.lucasstarsz.fastj.engine.FastJEngine;import;
public class Main extends LogicManager {
    @Override    public void setup(Display display) {        GameScene scene = new GameScene();        addScene(scene);        setCurrentScene(scene);        loadCurrentScene();    }
    public static void main(String[] args) {        FastJEngine.init("Hello, FastJ!", new Main());;    }}

public class GameScene extends Scene {
    public ButtonScene(String sceneName) {        super(sceneName);    }
    @Override    public void load(Display display) {    }
    @Override    public void unload(Display display) {    }
    @Override    public void update(Display display) {    }}

to this:

New Hello World
import tech.fastj.engine.FastJEngine;import;
public class Main extends SimpleManager {
    @Override    public void init(Display display) {    }
    @Override    public void update(Display display) {    }
    public static void main(String[] args) {        FastJEngine.init("Hello, FastJ!", new Main());;    }}

Math Improvements#

Somewhat similar to the version 1.4.0 release, the math section of FastJ has received several new functionalities:

  • Inverse Lerp -- Thanks once again to @YeffyCodeGit, FastJ's Maths class now contains an inverseLerp function for all your interpolation needs.
  • Normalization -- number normalization and denormalization are now both available in the Maths class, as normalize and denormalize respectively.
  • Range Bounding -- Having use in color linear interpolation, range bounding methods have been added: withinRange and withinIntegerRange.
  • Pointf Lerping -- As inverse lerp was added to the Maths class, it also became apparent that the Pointf class was also missing linear interpolation! It now contains both lerp and inverseLerp static methods.
  • Color Lerping -- From inside the DrawUtil class, colors were given static lerp and inverseLerp methods as well.

Revamped Drawable System#

Drawables were one of the main focus areas for this update. As such, several useful improvements, upgrades, and standardizations have been made!

Drawable Builders#

First off, all Drawable-based classes now have a corresponding builder that aids in creation of the class. This allows for much more configuration than the addition of more and more constructor overloads, as well as a generally simpler API for both the developer(s) and users.

Assume Pointf[] boxCoordinates = DrawUtil.createBox(10f, 10f, 50f); has been declared in each example.

For Polygon2D, an array of points is all you need:

Polygon2D One-Line Builder
Polygon2D box = Polygon2D.fromPoints(boxCoordinates);

but if you want to configure more options, the extended builder can help you out!

Poloygon2D Extended Builder
BasicStroke outlineStroke = new BasicStroke(5.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND);
Pointf translation = new Pointf(20f, 10f);float rotation = 30f;Pointf scale = new Pointf(0.5f, 0.5f);
Polygon2D box = Polygon2D.create(boxCoordinates, RenderStyle.FillAndOutline)        .withFill(        .withOutline(outlineStroke,        .withTransform(translation, rotation, scale)        .build();

This creates a box with a rendering style of both fill and outline variants, meaning it has both an outline color/stroke and a fill color.

  • Its fill color is blue.
  • The outline color is black.
  • The outline stroke (outlineStroke) is 5 pixels thick and had rounded edges.
  • It also contains a translation of (20, 10), a 30 degree rotation, and has its size scaled down to 50%.

Beyond that, the provided setter methods can still be used post-creation to modify the main values of the Polygon2D.

Both Text2D and Model2D have received builders as well. The attributes of each of the above three are explained in the following example programs:

Transforms for All!#

The transformation system has been massively updated, as briefly referenced here.

With this massive update, all Drawables can now be translated, rotated, and scaled as much as needed!

Here's an example using the Text2D class, which was previously unable to rotate or scale.

Drawable Transformations
Text2D text = Text2D.fromText("Text2D has transformations!");text.translate(new Pointf(50f));text.rotate(90f);text.scale(2.5f);

Here, the text has been translated (50, 50), rotated 90 degrees, and scaled up to 250% size.

These options are available for all Drawable-based classes, even UIElements! Feel free to check it out.


All Drawable classes can now also have their fill colors as gradients! (no outline support just yet). There are two types of gradients available -- linear gradients, and radial gradients. Both will be explained here.

These builders both have a few limitations that will be expanded in later versions:

  • No support for repeating gradients

These builders also have some limitations that will likely not be expanded upon in later versions, due to performance issues:

  • Gradients may not contain more than 8 colors.
Linear Gradients#

Creating a linear gradient takes a few things:

  • Starting and Ending points
    • These can either both be Pointf-based points, or Boundary values. Using boundary values requires the inclusion of a Drawable object to evaluate the boundaries for.
  • Colors! There are lots of premade colors to choose from (Color.cyan and Color.yellow, to name a few) and you can create your own -- both are supported.

Here's two examples of linear gradients, one using Pointfs and one using a Drawable and specified boundaries.

Linear Gradients
/* Linear Gradient using Pointfs */Pointf startingPoint = Pointf.Origin.copy();Pointf endingPoint = new Pointf(100, 100);LinearGradientPaint linearGradient = Gradients.linearGradient(startingPoint, endingPoint)        .withColors(,,        .withColor(        .withColor(new Color(255, 255, 0, 100))        .build();
/* Linear Gradient using Drawables */LinearGradientPaint linearGradient = Gradients.linearGradient(box, Boundary.TopLeft, Boundary.BottomRight)        .withColors(,,        .withColor(        .withColor(new Color(255, 255, 0, 100))        .build();
Radial Gradients#

On the other hand, creating radial gradients takes a few things:

  • A center and radius
    • this can either be a Pointf-defined centerpoint and float radius, or just a Drawable which will handle both.
  • Colors! There are lots of premade colors to choose from (Color.lightGray and, to name a few) and you can create your own -- both are supported.

Here's two examples of radial gradients, one using the center and radius, and the other using just the drawable.

Radial Gradients
/* Radial Gradient using Center and Radius */Pointf center = new Pointf(50f, 100f);float radius = 25f;RadialGradientPaint radialGradient = Gradients.radialGradient(center, radius)        .withColors(Color.lightGray, Color.cyan, Color.darkGray)        .withColor(        .withColor(new Color(255, 255, 0, 100))        .build();
/* Linear Gradient using Drawables */RadialGradientPaint radialGradient = Gradients.radialGradient(box)        .withColors(Color.lightGray, Color.cyan, Color.darkGray)        .withColor(        .withColor(new Color(255, 255, 0, 100))        .build();

Polygon2D Render Styles#

As briefly shown in the Drawable builders section, the Polygon2D class has received an attribute called RenderStyle. This attribute allows you to control how and what of a specific Polygon2D should be rendered -- its outline, its fill, or both.

There are specific options for each possibility:

  • RenderStyle.Fill
  • RenderStyle.Outline
  • RenderStyle.FillAndOutline

Keeping consistent with the older API, the default is RenderStyle.Fill -- polygons will just have their fill rendered. This can be changed using the builder, as well as through a setter method. Both are shown below.

Changing RenderStyle
/* Changing RenderStyle through the builder */Polygon2D box = Polygon2D.create(boxCoordinates, RenderStyle.Outline)        .build();
/* Changing RenderStyle through setRenderStyle method */box.setRenderStyle(RenderStyle.FillAndOutline);